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Summer has come to New York. But the weather is not happy yet. Next week, the only hot day will be on Tuesday. On this day, the air temperature will reach 27 ° C. And the heat, as usual, will come in July. Almost the whole of June you need to carry the umbrella with you. Photo from @jsebasphotography 

Every day in New York, something new is happening. Against the backdrop of general unrest, marauders are still operating. It is possible that this situation will not last too long, but it still does not get any easier. A few weeks ago, people actively helped patients with coronavirus, and today some residents are robbing and killing. The only thing that pleases today is that there are fewer criminals anyway. Normal and civilized citizens live in America who are ready to defend their rights without murder and robbery. This great country is capable of much. But people must be able to negotiate. It’s not safe in New York right now. You need to be careful. No one knows what to expect in the coming hours. Take care of yourself and your business! And we are following the situation.

The conflict between black and white people has been going on in America for many years. This topic has become number one in all media in recent days. Something strange and terrible is happening in New York. If some people went to peaceful rallies, others robbed shops and beat people. The killing of an African American is a real tragedy for the whole country. But people must abide by the laws. This is the only way to come to some kind of agreement. Otherwise, nothing will remain of our beloved city! And that will be a very big problem! We love African Americans! It is impossible to imagine America without African Americans. Thank you for being! And in the photo, our favorite model @Soso_loso

The killing of an African American is very, very sad news. In the 21st century this should not have been. We want to see a more civilized society. But, unfortunately, everything is not at all as we would like. If the war continues, then nothing good is to be expected. Today's case must change something in our lives

Today is a special day! The first day of summer. Congratulations on this event !!! Ahead will be a lot of interesting things !!! Stay with us! Soon we will introduce a new cover.

The murder of an African American is the most discussed topic in the United States. We did not want to comment on this situation, but today absolutely everyone is talking about it. We would like to express words of support to people who knew the deceased well. This is a real tragedy! Let this not happen again! We live in a civilized world. Any problem can be solved peacefully. Killing is always very bad! We very much hope that there will be less conflict.

Tomorrow is the first of June. This is a special day. Summer begins tomorrow. It’s time for all of us to change our gloomy mood to very good. Let's enjoy every day we live! In connection with this event, we will more often publish your summer photos on Instagram. Send your bright summer photos of past years or photos taken this year to our mail. You can also tag us in your photos. Let's enjoy every day together. In this photo, our bright sun @alexandria_hodnik.

Spring in New York is a special time. Only in spring does the world seem to be reborn. It should be noted that at this time of year in New York it is possible to admire the sakura blossom. The Brooklyn Botanical Garden has this unusual tree.There is even a special Sakura Matsuri festival. But now it’s just impossible to visit such a holiday. Before the pandemic in New York, it was always a lot of fun. People loved to ride bicycles or boats. And you could have a picnic in the park. But many people do not despair and have a picnic on the roof. This is pretty romantic. The most important thing is to believe that life will soon become better.

Today, a large number of American girls use false eyelashes. It is fast enough, simple and effective. But sometimes even in the evening make-up you want to see naturalness. Therefore, your cosmetic bag should have several types of mascara from different manufacturers. Many experts came to the conclusion that for each event you need to use your own mascara.

Against the background of many unfavorable news about Covid 19, let's talk about what is good. So, for example, let's touch upon the topic of our beloved city again. Even before the pandemic, a huge number of tourists from all over the world came to New York to see the legendary city. This country is now closed to tourists. And a year ago, everything was different.New York has always amazed people at the fast pace of life. This city can be called a symbol of America. Years flew around us very quickly. Fashion has changed. New York has always remained mysterious. A huge number of smart and talented people live here to this day. Here is the true spirit of freedom. Let's just love New York more. May this city make us more and more happy. And let the pandemic go away forever.

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