
We are waiting for you at the charity event @gothamgalacharity

We are waiting for each of you!!

New York Fashion Week 2022 delighted us with a variety of fashion shows. We were again able to attend an event organized by Bella Fashion Designs. Here on the podium one could see beautiful outfits from local designers, in which models of different ages posed. It is worth noting that at Bella Fashion Designs events there is always a warm and cozy atmosphere.

photographer: Dennis Tooshkanov 

In a few days, New York will return to its normal life. We will remember fashion week 2022 for a long time to come.

This year we managed to visit several fashion shows at once and once again make sure that the most creative authors live in New York ...

Most surprised and at the same time pleased with the Funari brand.

Fashion Week is New York's premier event. On the official Instagram account, NYFW representatives today demonstrate the latest preparations. Well-known designers are already ready to present to our attention unique models of clothing. This year the magazine "My New York" will visit a variety of fashion events so that our readers can see everything with their own eyes.

September 9 - fashion show from the brand Funari

September 10 - BELLA FASHION DESIGNS show

September 11 - fashion show from THE CONFESSIONAL SHOWROOM

In the photo, the model Jade Ming

On September 9 at 19 : 00 we will meet you at the screening at Sony Hall.
The event will feature a unique collection of fashionable and environmentally friendly clothes for people and puppies.
This show is impossible to miss!


New York Fashion Week will take place very soon!

In 1826, the world's first photograph appeared. This invention has been worked on for a long time. Only a French inventor managed to make a discovery.

Today, almost everyone knows how to use a camera. Science has advanced so far that now a built-in camera is in all modern phones.

The profession of a photographer has been in demand at different times. In New York, a lot of photographers have gained worldwide fame thanks to their unique photo work.

There is not much time left before the main event of this fall...
Fashion Week in New York will be held in early September ...
This year, a large number of star guests are expected to arrive.
The best places for our readers are already booked. Many events will take place online. In order to become a participant in a fashion event, you will need to join the online broadcast on time. We will also inform you about where it is possible to purchase the best tickets.

The magazine "My New York" is switching to a new format of communication with its readers. Already in September, several new and unique projects will be available. Now absolutely every reader will be able to easily find the most interesting information for themselves…