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An incredible story with a happy ending will definitely be mentioned in the new issue of the magazine.

Time for Christmas miracles! A new issue of My new York magazine will be published on December 10!! We will remember the most striking characters of 2020. You will also see beautiful photos and interesting interviews. Also on December 30, you will find something special!!! Only on instagram

Friends! New Year is coming soon. This magical holiday is loved by many people around the world. Each country has its own traditions and fairytale heroes. New York is simply impossible to imagine without Santa Claus, a big Christmas tree and gifts. We would like to feel the magic of this holiday right now. Let's decorate our page with beautiful pictures and videos. Tag us in your photos and we will definitely publish them.

photographer Vadim Vasenin

The new issue of «My New York» magazine will be released on January 10. It will be dedicated to men. This issue will feature the brightest and most interesting men of the city. We will take a closer look at each personality. Only the most beautiful photos and the most original stories will be in our magazine on January 10th. Wait !!!
In this photo model: @j.sebasri

Friends! Don't forget that the coronavirus is still with us! Wear masks and follow all the rules. Now it is enough to simply get infected in public places.
To date, an effective vaccine against coronavirus has not yet been found in the world. This is why we need to avoid mass events It is also possible to independently strengthen your immunity with fruits. Doctors recommend eating oranges and lemons. These fruits will strengthen your immune system. 

Tip: Eat these fruits in moderation. Oranges and lemons are allergenic foods

Friends! Our January issue of the magazine will be about men. We will talk about the most interesting topics and add the most interesting photos. We will provide more details later.

Today we have time to talk about men ... Yes. We'll talk about men. One of our magazine issues was already dedicated to women. But we haven't talked about men yet. Let's imagine modern New York. This city isn't as dusty as it used to be. Crowds no longer walk through the city center. You can see each person separately. If you pay more attention, you will see how the image of the modern gentleman has changed recently. Now more and more often you can meet men with a beautiful body who know how to take care of themselves. In New York, men have always had a special charm.

Friends! Our site will be edited for a few more days. We open new Internet platforms and try to make the portal more convenient for you. We now have our own Twitter page. We are also planning to open a Facebook page in the near future.


Attention!! They are scammers !!


Friends! These are all scammers !!! Please be careful !!!

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