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Very soon, the new president of America will begin his work. It is still difficult to imagine the future of a great country. But most people are confident that things will change for the better soon.

New York fashion shows will also be available online in 2021. The organizers suggest that the difficult situation with the coronavirus will last for several more years. The best solution for today is the online format.

Increasingly, users of social networks began to post photos of past years. Everyone misses the big events and the incredible holiday atmosphere. Now we can only hope that everything will return soon. The most important thing is safety!

Friends! We would like to remind once again how important it is to wear masks today. In all countries of our planet, many people have died from the coronavirus. People who have had this disease later complained of other symptoms. There is information that discharged patients can get a heart attack and many other diseases. The disease is completely unexplored! The consequences are unknown! Just follow the rules! Please don't get sick! We love and appreciate each of you!

Despite the coronavirus, designers and models continue to amaze us with fashionable novelties. This time, the company from stylist @fashionably_jessica staged a fashion show on the streets of New York.

Friends! Today, let's honor the memory of the people who died from the coronavirus... Every day there are more and more victims of this disease. We hope that one day people will stop getting sick and everything will get better. Photo: @travellieng


The new issue of the magazine is already available in the gallery

This photo shoot by @shotbylaith makes you think that it's best not to risk your health in cold weather and dress as warmly as possible. The coronavirus is still with us.


Japanese cuisine is the healthiest in the world. That is why people live in this country much longer. Today it is also possible to enjoy traditional Japanese food in New York. Osechi reri is a New Year's Eve dish worth trying at least once in a lifetime ... Specialty restaurants are ready to offer this delicious dish.

photo: @the_shinster, @injoyentertainment

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